Newsletter news
It’s that time of year again. “’Hope springs eternal’ but Spring we can only hope for!” (who said that?) At least, here in the Northeast, yesterday's storm was rain, and - judging from the 2 plus inches we got - thank goodness it wasn’t snow, or we’d have feet of it to shovel! It helped melt some of the snow cover - a really “good thing” - since the ground never froze last winter. Now it looks as if the snowplow pushed more sod and gravel into piles on my lawn than anything else. What a mess! Add to that work the locating and sorting of all the new Spring titles appearing like snowdrops on the southside of the house, and you can bet I’ll be busy.
So begins my April newsletter (Volume 7 Issue 4) which I email out monthly to nearly a thousand subscribers interested in New York State books. If that is your interest too, copy my email address and send me an email with SUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line. You'll receive a list of new titles, price changes, and changes in availability around the first of every month -- --