Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Newsletter news

It’s that time of year again. “’Hope springs eternal’ but Spring we can only hope for!” (who said that?) At least, here in the Northeast, yesterday's storm was rain, and - judging from the 2 plus inches we got - thank goodness it wasn’t snow, or we’d have feet of it to shovel! It helped melt some of the snow cover - a really “good thing” - since the ground never froze last winter. Now it looks as if the snowplow pushed more sod and gravel into piles on my lawn than anything else. What a mess! Add to that work the locating and sorting of all the new Spring titles appearing like snowdrops on the southside of the house, and you can bet I’ll be busy.
So begins my April newsletter (Volume 7 Issue 4) which I email out monthly to nearly a thousand subscribers interested in New York State books. If that is your interest too, copy my email address and send me an email with SUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line. You'll receive a list of new titles, price changes, and changes in availability around the first of every month -- hopefarm@hopefarm.com --

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Writings of George Washington

I once read that our first president was very much aware of his position in history, and very careful about his legacy. Apparently, he rewrote everything - all his correspondence and speeches - everything, to insure he would be seen in the best possible light down through the ages. I can't remember who it was, but the author claimed Washington wrote with a humanity and levity that was edited out for posterity - at his own insistence. I think that's too bad. But you can decide for yourselves, because all thirty nine volumes of his collected writings are now available on one CDROM! That's right, 39 volumes! Fully searchable, too! From his French and Indian War expeditions, through the early Revolutionary War routs and defeats, to final victory, and the Presidency. It is all available on one CD. To see my fantastic collection of New York History and Genealogy CDROMs go to http://www.hopefarmbooks.com and click on Book Catalog, and then on CDROMS.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Warm enough for a hike

Wow! 50 degrees today - it is warm enough for a hike. I don't know about you, but as much as I enjoy the cold, bug-free winter hikes, the icy trails leave me thinking of broken limbs, hospital bills and an inability to work. Since I'm my own boss - that means no income! So spring and fall, those glorious seasons of promise and beauty, are when I enjoy hiking the most. Give me the relatively peaceful days of no insects, fewer wild animals (lions and tigers and bears - oh my!) and less people - that's when hiking's the best.

This sunday I'll go to my "church" - a mountaintop cathedral - the firetower on Overlook Mountain. I'll be there for sunrise, and look south east over the Hudson Valley to the day's beginnings. I'll celebrate spring's arrival and Christ's rebirth, and hear the birds sing their Hallelujah Chorus to the tree tops. Happy Easter, everyone.